Company name
GOODHILL Corporation Ltd.
October 23, 1961
100,000,000 yen
Line of business
Manufacturing and sales of men’s and women’s suits
Head office
GOODHILL Corporation Head office
2-14-21, Yoshinari,
Tottori-shi, Tottori-ken,
680-0864, Japan

Fiscal term close
July 31
Annual income
3500,000,000 yen (July, 2022)
747 workers (November, 2022)
Production capability
240,000 garments per year
San-in Godo Bank Tottori Division / The Central Bank for Commercial and Industrial Association Tottori Branch / Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank Nanba Corporate Sales Department / Japan Finance Corporation for Small Business Tottori Branch / Mitsui Sumitomo Trust Bank Osaka Central Branch / Totttori Credit Bank Main Branch / Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Sanin Branch / Risona Bank Nanba Branch
GOODHILL Co. Ltd. Hamamura factory
GOODHILL Co. Ltd. Kohge factory
GOODHILL Co. Ltd. Iwami factory
GOODHILL Co. Ltd. Kohge factory
GOODHILL Co. Ltd. Iwami factory
193-5, Katsumi, Ketaka-cho, Tottori
433, Nishi-Gomon, Yazu-cho, Yazu-gun, Tottori
637-2, Honjo, Ohaza, Iwami-cho, Iwami-gun, Tottori
433, Nishi-Gomon, Yazu-cho, Yazu-gun, Tottori
637-2, Honjo, Ohaza, Iwami-cho, Iwami-gun, Tottori
Branches,Sales offices
Osaka Branch
6-7-1, Nakatsu, Kita-ku, Osaka,Tel.(+81)06(6454)1701 Fax.(+81)06(6454)5551
6-7-1, Nakatsu, Kita-ku, Osaka,Tel.(+81)06(6454)1701 Fax.(+81)06(6454)5551
Tokyo Branch
1-1-7, Motoakasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel.(+81)03(3408)1691 Fax.(+81)03(3408)2361
1-1-7, Motoakasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel.(+81)03(3408)1691 Fax.(+81)03(3408)2361
Nagoya Branch
803 NikKho BLD, 2-22-18, Higashisakura, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi
Tel.(+81)03(3408)1691 Fax.(+81)03(3408)2361
803 NikKho BLD, 2-22-18, Higashisakura, Naka-ku, Nagoya-shi
Tel.(+81)03(3408)1691 Fax.(+81)03(3408)2361
Fukuoka Branch
Avandant 94 6F, 1-7-28, Hakataeki-Minami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Tel.(+81)092(471)8787 Fax.(+81)092(471)8777
Avandant 94 6F, 1-7-28, Hakataeki-Minami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-shi
Tel.(+81)092(471)8787 Fax.(+81)092(471)8777
Hiroshima Sales Office
12B1 Grand BLD Ohtemachi, 2-1-7, Ohte-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi
Tel.(+81)082(543)6650 Fax.(+81)082(543)6280
12B1 Grand BLD Ohtemachi, 2-1-7, Ohte-machi, Naka-ku, Hiroshima-shi
Tel.(+81)082(543)6650 Fax.(+81)082(543)6280
Sendai Sales Office
402 Intellex Sendai BLD, 1-6-23, hon-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi
Tel.(+81)022(716)2835 Fax.(+81)022(716)2836
402 Intellex Sendai BLD, 1-6-23, hon-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi
Tel.(+81)022(716)2835 Fax.(+81)022(716)2836
President | Hideki Yoshioka |
Vice-President | Toshiko Yoshioka |
Executive Directors | Toru Yoshioka |
Director | Hiroaki Tamura |
Director | Shuji Nishio |
Director | Masao Fukuta |
officer | Hideki Inui |
officer | Kensuke Toda | officer | Koji Ichihara |
officer | Kiyono Yoshioka |
Auditor | Kazuhisa Endoh |
Group Companies
5 minutes by car from Tottori Station
Main dealers
ONWARD KASHITAMA Co. Ltd. / Consumer Co-operative Federation / Marui. Co. Ltd. / Kindware Corporation.Co., Ltd. / Tokyo Custom Suits Commercial and Industrial Association