Final Process—- Finishing press / Inspection / Shipping

Finishing Press
Setting the press conditions suitable for each material, we carefully finish with the manual iron press. From the wearer’s point of view, we finish each outfit with different body shape, dimension, design, etc. into a more three-dimensional and beautiful silhouette.
Inspection / Shipment
The final inspection department checks the dimensions and design based on the individually displayed machining instructions. After passing here, we perform a visual inspection. Following such thoroughly duplicated inspections we prepare for shipment. The tops / vests and undergarments are sorted by delivery destination and then combined into sets. The automatic sorter (micro bear) has the ability to sort more than 1,000 products per hour to more than 100 delivery destinations.

Born in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture.
He has experienced in each department of the whole production process. He is now in charge of the final process of finishing press for the just-completed products according to the characteristics of each product.
License /Qualification
National Qualification: Men’s Clothing Manufacturing: Ready-made Clothing : First grade
Goodhill Test: Level 1
Work politely, quickly, and accurately. No compromises.
Daily Work
Through many workers, one suit is completed, whose characteristic is different from each other. While referring to the attached data, we decide the appropriate finishing press setting and finish it as the best outfit with a beautiful form.

Responsibility for the Final Process
A suit has been handled through hundreds of processes – pieces were cut from the rolled fabric, parts were sewn, assembled, with part-pressing. We take pride in the final work of pressing thinking a customer’s comfort in wearing it. Without any compromises, we carefully and accurately press the product with different kinds of special irons properly by hand so that even the smallest details will make a more beautiful form.

NEW British model CANONICO /ニューブリティッシュモデル カノニコ
Large checkered Canonico fabric
The chic yet dark blue color and the large line checkered fabric that fits in there are the fabrics of the Italian fabric brand Kanoniko, which is loved by many for its high quality and design. I aimed for a smart style while being chic. The cufflinks are ready-made cufflinks with the letters “Shou” in your name. It’s a cufflink that can be used because it’s in the name.
Double peak lapel
The style is a standard NB model that fits my body shape, and I ordered it with a double peak lapel to give it a dignified and firm impression. The front has full pin stitches of the same color as the front fabric, and the lining has colorful pick stitches to create a simple yet elaborate impression unique to the order.


Born in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture.
He has gained experience in each department of the production process and is in charge of the base press process before the finishing press.
licence / Qualification
National qualification: Men’s clothing Ready-made clothing 1st grade
Good Hill Test: Level 1
Making vegetables
With love in each suit
Daily work
After finishing the sewing process from the assembly center, the first piece of clothing is pressed and shows a crisp appearance like a suit, which is a very rewarding process. It’s refreshing when the fine wrinkles are sharp.

Commitment to manufacturing
The flower-shaped “manufacturing feeling” is probably in the process of sewing suits. However, this process of pressing the clothes that everyone has assembled is like bringing the deliciousness of the finished makeup. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for enjoying this moment of becoming a suit for yourself at the end! When. Of course, since it is a work that must be done in every process, we carefully press each piece with love.

BB model with attention to detail
So to speak, put everything you can do
This is the first suit I ordered myself. It’s a suit that you can do such things, you can do such things, and so on. Of course, the sleeves are open.
Details with purple stripes
In addition to the general total pick stitch, put the pick stitch with pink thread in the part where the pick stitch can be put in the fine part, to match the beautiful outer fabric with the thin purple stripe in navy blue, and make a part of the buttonhole Finished with purple thread. Can you do something interesting? I asked him to make a pocket square that would be an eco-bag using the lining fabric. I was impressed with the detailed technical capabilities.


Born in Tottori City, Tottori Prefecture.
Hope is a young man who will gain experience in various processes from now on. He is currently in charge of the slacks base press process.
licence / Qualification
Dedicated daily to acquire the skill test
Watching movies, darts
Failure is the source of success.
Daily work
Not only slacks that have finished the sewing process, but also slacks that are in the state of parts before being sewn at the final assembly center, etc. are subjected to slacks base press. The slacks look easy, and there are difficulties in pressing the front and back, sewn parts, pockets, etc. that are unique to slacks, so I really study every day.

First working experience
There are so many people on the Goodhill production line. All of them are kind seniors who carefully teach newcomers who do not know right or left one by one. I was surprised that I could wear plain clothes when working. I think it’s a very comfortable working environment. From now on, I would like to gain experience in various processes and become able to do all the processes alone.

NEW British model /スタンダードなニューブリティッシュモデル
First order tailored for the entrance ceremony
Usually, it’s a casual style fashion, but when you cut a suit like this, you feel tight. I think it’s cool to see people working in suits. I want to be that way someday.
Simple but one point
Since it was tailored for the entrance ceremony, the basic style is recruitment. It was my first order, so it’s just as I was told, but what I thought was that I chose the engine button myself. I like it because it’s one point and it’s cool.